The Best Five Extensions To Browser

 You must have this 5 extensions on your browser 

Everyone now use the browser to search about everything he want , it is your entrance to web you can collect any amount of data if you want because that the browser is very important we will tell you what the best 5 Extensions to browser.

The best browsers by voting from users in internet they are very useful Chrome , Opera , Edge , Firefox. 

1- Youtube Video Downloader 

This is a great tool to download youtube videos by click on extension , This support download with any format of videos , No registration required. High-speed and Unlimited downloads!

                                                               Extension Link

2- OneNote Web Clipper

if you browsing a lot of time you must need this extension that help you to save any data from the page you are on for later time whatever that images , videos , links , text and more and more .

From Microsoft

                                                               Extension Link

3- PushBullet

you can connect your device , Send receive message from your computer and replay to messages on Whatsapp or Facebook or Instagram and another , see your device notification on computer.

                                                               Extension Link

4- VoiceIn 

From , this help you to speech recognition capabilities in any text on any website 

1) Simply place the mouse in the text-box, and then you can either right-click and choose Start-Recording from the popup menu. 

2) Simply click on the extension's button right to the address bar.

 VoiceIn works silently in the background and is always on.

                                                              Extension Link 

5- Dark Reader 

This enable dark mode to browsing it extension help your eyes from the light

Over 2 million using Dark Reader Extension

Extension Link                                                            

extensions chrome , extensions plus , extensions google chrome , extensions firefox , extensions adblock , extensions chrome store                                                         

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